World Wide News - did you know
- 33 Million Egyptians: World’s Biggest Ever Protest.
July 2, 2013
How is it possible that mainstream news networks worldwide covered this extensively.It was said just a few weeks ago to “look to Egypt”. Well that’s exactly what the world is doing right now. And I reckon we are witnessing what must be the biggest protest in our world’s history.
(Plus there’s Brazil, Chile, Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy, Hong Kong – and these are only the ones we know about).
On Sunday, and again on Monday night, an estimated 33 million Egyptians (according to CNN)
took to the streets of their cities to protest against their leader as the Egyptian Army issued President
Morsi with a 48-hour ultimatum to quit – or be removed from office.
Read the story:
- Germany Fights Population Drop.
The reality is that the German population is shrinking and towns like this one are working hard
to hide the emptiness. Mr. Voigt has already supervised the demolition of 60 houses and 12
apartment blocs, strategically injecting grassy patches into once-dense complexes.
Read the story:
- The Euro’s Morality Lesson.
KALYVES, Greece — Economics in Germany, it has been noted, is a branch of moral philosophy.
Growth is the reward for good behavior. Such virtue includes frugality and avoidance of debt.
It goes without saying that, in this view, promoting growth by increasing fiscal deficits is the height
of immorality.
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- Still thinking CHILD ABDUCTION – HUMAN TRAFFICKING do not exist
around the world as well in South Africa.
Nearly 1.200,000 children are reported missing in America every year.
Hundreds of thousands of children are trapped into force prostitution and more.
Children as young as 9 years old are forced into prostitution.
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